July in dance at the Scala in Milan! “AfteRite + LORE” the new extraordinary production by Wayne McGregor and “Giselle”, with five different pairs of protagonists

Balletto della Scala is the protagonist of the events on stage in the month of July. Until July 7th “AfteRite + LORE” the new extraordinary production by Wayne McGregor. From 9 to 16 July “Giselle” returns with five different pairs of protagonists

by Michele Olivieri
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Photo: “GISELLE” Martina Arduino & Nicola del Freo; Photo Credit: Brescia e Amisano @ Teatro alla Scala

Between novelties and repertoire, the Balletto della Scala is the protagonist of the events on stage in the month of July with a stimulating relay race among the absolute novelty signed by Wayne McGregor LORE – which together with AfteRite continues from 1 to 7 July with the alternation of two different cast (AfteRite will still see Alessandra Ferri on stage on 6 and 7 July, while her role will be danced in the other performances by Antonella Albano) – and the return to the scene of the romantic ballet par excellence Giselle, from 9 to 16 July, with five cast in the leading roles.

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AFTERITE + LORE. Until July 7th “AfteRite + LORE” the new extraordinary production by Wayne McGregor

With an extraordinary welcome at his debut on June 24, Wayne McGregor returned to the Teatro alla Scala with “AfteRite + LORE”, a diptych of works that reimagine the iconic works of Igor ’Stravinsky” Le Sacre du printemps “and” Les noces “. AfteRite will see the return of Alessandra Ferri again in the performances of 6 and 7 July, while the second title, LORE created on the dancers of the Scaligera Company, will alternate the artists who worked with McGregor for this world premiere.

Originally inspired by “Silent Spring”, Rachel Carson’s fundamental book on the impact of man-made pesticides on nature, AfteRite is set in an arid alien landscape that evokes the extreme climate of the Atacama Desert in Chile, where a colony of beings humans struggle for food and survival against an inexorable nature. In McGregor’s modern retelling, Stravinsky’s story of ritual sacrifice is revisited from the point of view of the Mother, who must choose what she holds most dear and what she is willing to lose. A collection of fragments taken from traditional Slavic wedding rituals, Les noces by Stravinsky was composed ten years after his modernist masterpiece “La Sagra”.

Written for four pianos, four voices, percussion and choir, it highlights Stravinsky’s progress towards a more mechanical and impersonal sound – a sense of human life driven by an external power. In “LORE” – the title refers to a collective body of knowledge, folk traditions and stories – McGregor explores the difficult marriage of human beings with nature and technology through a prism of fragmented rituals that intertwine between times and traditions. Customs are broken, intertwined and reborn as one generation gives way to another, the sacred is continually reconstituted. We discard and remember.

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GISELLE. From 9 to 16 July “Giselle” returns with five different pairs of protagonists

We applauded him in streaming, we followed him away. From 9 to 16 July “Giselle” re-embraces its audience and the Corps de Ballet takes leave before the summer break with a production that is part of its history and of these recent shooting seasons: the first title that has inaugurated the activity of away from La Scala (in April at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna), a ballet that marked an unforgettable meeting with Carla Fracci and her final farewell to the Scala stage before her death.

Photo: “Giselle”, Photo Credit: Brescia e Amisano ©Teatro alla Scala

A splendid occasion that will not fail to offer new stimuli, with five different pairs of protagonists who will alternate on stage with also important debuts: in the role of Giselle and Albrecht, Nicoletta Manni will open the performances on July 9 with Timofej Andrijashenko; in the performances of 12 and 15 July Nicoletta Manni will return alongside Jacopo Tissi, who for the first time faces the version of “Giselle” from the Scala repertoire and begins his adventure as a guest artist at La Scala that will lead him to take part in various productions of the new Season 2022-2023; July 13 will be the occasion for Martina Arduino to face the role in its entirety, after having tackled the first act in the special edition curated by Carla Fracci.

Beside her, in absolute debut in the role, Nicola Del Freo. Great return on July 14 of another exciting couple of artists, with a special harmony, Vittoria Valerio and Claudio Coviello. Virna Toppi and Marco Agostino will be the protagonists of the final performance, Saturday 16 July.

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